Thanks to Zing Wellbeing my overall wellness has improved so much
Sarah shares after 10 weeks with Zing Wellbeing her eating has improved so much, her skin is looking fab and her anxiety is now almost nonexistence. PLUS she has lost over 15 kilos.
My mental health has improved, my confidence, my skin and overall wellness has all improved. My anxiety is almost nonexistence!
I'm also 15.5kgs (34lbs) down. The lowest I've been on the scale this year. I'm not where I want to be. But I'm doing it.
Sarah's Journey to wellness
The beginning of 2024 was very hard for me. 3 surgeries in 3 months. Losing my job due to these surgeries. My mum having a heart attack and my dog passed away all within 4 days of my 3rd surgery. I was broken. The most anxious and lowest I have ever been in my whole life. I was on the verge of self admitting myself to a mental ward at my local hospital. And on top of this I decided to quit smoking. What a mess I was!!
I came across a video of Rhian, chatting about a new platform called Zing Wellbeing for woman, she spoke about mental health, hormones, gut health and how we can improve all of this with food. I had nothing to lose.
Within a few days of being part of this amazing community I instantly felt like I was no longer alone. And that I belonged in this community of like-minded amazing women.
With guidance from Zing Wellbeing amazing Rhian, coaches and staff, I had these tools, exercise plans and meal plans to help me on my journey.
Because of this group I now sleep better, I journal every day.
I practice self-affirmation.
I cook delicious healthy food, which my while family LOVE.
My son now cooks and bakes every Sunday.
We are more active as a family. And we are happier.
I no longer care about numbers on the scale.
My mental wellbeing is absolutely number 1.
Zing Wellbeing saved my life. 2024 was my worst year, but it's also going to be the best one yet.
I now drink more water.
Meditate. Self reflect. I like myself.
I audited my life with help from Zing Wellbeing Behaviour Coach Rae. My time is more productive.
My gut inflammation and upper leg swelling reduced since drinking the Zing gut health drink.
All the knowledge you get from the Zing Wellbeing experts is 2nd to none.
Sarah's favourite Zing Wellbeing recipes
- Overnight oats
- Beef stirfry and Broccoli
- Chocolate protein powder Smoothie
- Almond butter and apple is my fave snack
Sarah loves the community and all the support
"I know that being here isn't about numbers or the scale. It's an amazing community and I've learnt so much being here for approx 10 weeks."
- My mental health has improved.
- My sleep has improved. But could always be better, right.
- I really enjoyed the 7 Day sleep challenge with Rae
- My favourite weeks have been with Beck. I've taken so much and grown from those mindset challenges.
- I've learnt so much about nutrition, hormones, self care.
- I'm starting to like myself.
- My mindset has changed.
- My gut health has changed.
- I'm calmer.
- I'm mindful of what goes in my shopping trolley. Click and collect has been an absolute godsend to me. It allows me to budget and make good choices.
Thank you Rhian. And to your team. And all the ladies that have supported me with my journey. You are all amazing"
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