ADVANCED Core Workout Program

ADVANCED Core Workout Program

This program is tailored for individuals with a strong core who are looking to enhance their abdominal definition and strength.

 Throughout the next four weeks, weights will be incorporated to increase the difficulty, and repetitions will gradually increase.

When combined with the Zing Wellbeing nutritional program, expect to see significant strength gains.

Week 1

  • Reverse Crunch
    • 15 reps x 3 rounds
  • V Sit
    • 10 reps x 3 rounds
  • Deficit Leg Raises
    • 20 reps x 3 rounds
  • Plank Hold
    • 3 rounds for 60 seconds or as long as you can

Week 2

  • Reverse Crunch
    • 15 reps x 3 rounds
  • V Sit
    • 10 reps x 3 rounds
  • Deficit Leg Raises
    • 20 reps x 3 rounds
  • Plank Hold
    • 3 rounds for 60 seconds or as long as you can

Week 3

  • Reverse Crunch
    • 20 reps x 3 rounds
  • V Sit
    • 10 reps x 3 rounds
  • Deficit Leg Raises
    • 20 reps x 3 rounds
    • Add a weight and hold above your head, arms straight up (try a 10kg dumbbell or plate)
  • Plank Hold
    • 3 rounds for 60 seconds or as long as you can

Week 4

  • Reverse Crunch
    • 20 reps x 3 rounds
  • V Sit
    • 15 reps x 3 rounds
  • Deficit Leg Raises
    • 20 reps x 3 rounds
    • Try a heavier weight, such as a 12kg dumbbell or plate this week
  • Plank Hold
    • 3 rounds for 60 seconds or as long as you can

You can see our exercise library showing examples of exercise here 

Exercise Disclaimer

The exercise programs and workouts provided on Zing Wellbeing are intended for informational and educational purposes only. Before starting any new exercise program, it is strongly recommended that you consult with a healthcare professional or physician.

By participating in these exercises, you acknowledge and agree that you are voluntarily engaging in physical exercise at your own risk.

Zing Wellbeing and its affiliates are not responsible or liable for any injury, loss, or damage sustained as a result of using our exercise programs, including without limitation any loss or damage arising from the negligence of any party.

If you experience any pain, discomfort, or other health concerns during or after your workouts, please stop immediately and consult a healthcare professional.

Always exercise within your limits and listen to your body

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