Renae changed her sleep habits in just 7 days!
Renae shares how she has changed her sleep habits for the better thanks to Zing Wellbeing 7 Day Sleep Challenge.
Renae says, "I’ve only been a member for a few weeks, but I feel I’ve already had somewhat of a transformation to celebrate!!
I joined just in time for the 7 Day SLEEP CHALLENGE which was an area I needed help with.
If you are a member you can download the sleep guide HERE.(make sure you are logged in)
My history with sleep health has not been good…
• Insomnia
• Restless legs
• Inconsistent bed times
• Overthinking from anxiety and stress
A few months ago I suffered a stroke, and as a result I have been prioritising my sleep to assist with brain recovery as my sleep declined further.
I'd made some improvements introducing meditation, reduced screen time and positive self talk, but was shocked at how much better my sleep has been in the past week by introducing some new techniques and practices from the challenge!!
Improvements have included:
• Better sleep quality and quantity
• Less wake up during the night
• Reduced overthinking (thank you ‘to do’ list)
• Less stressed, morning and night
• More positive outlook overall
The inner analyst (or geek) in me loves to use data and trends to track, so I was pleased to see that according to my sleep tracker, I’m now getting an average of 85 (excellent) sleep score. Previously I was around 60!!
Big thanks to Zing Wellbeing coach, Rae, for her guided videos each night which really helped. I’ll continue to do these as I’ve found so much benefit in them.
Plus, I now have some more tracks to add to my relaxation play list, thanks to Rae's spotify playlist
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