"Zing Wellbeing has helped me be more present and positive with my family"

"Zing Wellbeing has helped me be more present and positive with my family"

Eirini shares that she is feeling much more positive in her outlook on life since starting with Zing Wellbeing.

Although I always have seen “the bright side of life”, being more present and positive with my family and even at work, has made my days seem less stressful and more productive.

For the past 9 years my mind has always been focused on diet for weight loss, exercise for fat burning, and although I know the two of them can cause weight loss and fat burning, it was consuming my thoughts. Each day I would get back on the wagon, jump off the wagon (because lets face it, lifes too short not to eat cake), rinse and repeat until earlier this year.

Earlier this year I realised the way I looked at food was impacting my mental health. I would be down in the dumps because I ate this, or because I didn't exercise enough that week, etc etc.

It was just before Rhian Allen came out with Zing Wellbeing that I decided diet culture, and the language used about food, was not for me. It didn't inspire me, it didn't motivate me, it just was not my vibe any more.

I needed the change that Zing has bought into my life, and they always say that everything happens at the right time, so it was PERFECT timing for me to jump in as a Zing member, and subsequently as a Squad member.

Over the course of 6 weeks I have grown to re-love the food I have always loved, fresh, healthy, nutritious food, that feeds my soul, and my body to be the best it can. It has helped clear my mind to make decisions, helped improve the diet of my kids, and has even got hubby trying new things.

I decided to join my gym's 8 week challenge, and although my focus is on weight loss, I have a different set of tools and knowledge than when I was losing weight post partum. I have done a body scan (and boy was that eye opening!), I have alllllll the info from the Zing team about adequate nutrition, and I have the support of an incredible community.

I don't think my mindset would have been able to keep up with the demand that an 8 week challenge entails, but from the live coaching sessions, the info and the shared knowledge in this group, I have realised that I am able to focus on creating a better body from the inside out (and hopefully reduce my fatty liver, so I don't risk long term damage!).

I am incredibly grateful for this program, this team, and everything that is to come.

Favourite recipes

chicken stirfry

I have used multiple of the plan options, the menopause plan is my favourite, and the new high protein is a close second!

The beef and broccoli stir fry from the high protein plan has become a new family favourite. The chickpea salad is an easy to prep lunch option too.

  • Chickpea salad
  • Turkey and vegetable stir fry
  • Beef and broccoli stir fry
  • Beef nachos

 beef nachos

Eating according to the Zing Wellbeing philosophy of a holistic wellness approach meant that my mind was clear while working, my focus was better when I was studying and I was more sustained energy through the day.

Favourite Zing Wellbeing coaches and experts

Beck and Rae's coaching sessions are my favourite as they focus on behavioural changes and personal growth, which really aligned with my goals and changes I want to make in my life.

I would absolutely recommend Zing Wellbeing to others.

The way that the brand approaches health and wellness isn’t focused on one aspect, but is a holistic approach, where you can start your wellbeing journey wherever you are in life.

Being a Zing Wellbeing Squad member has made me embrace the Zing Wellbeing way of life by jumping right in 100%.

It gave me the opportunity to connect on a deeper level with other like-minded women who are in a similar life stage as me and share meals and tips and tricks to help along this wellness journey.


Read the reviews for yourself

Still not sure if Zing Wellbeing is for you? Read all our 5 star reviews for yourself HERE.

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