Nutritionist shares 10 foods to help menopause

Nutritionist shares 10 foods to help menopause

Menopause is often associated with negative signs and symptoms, and we may need some extra support during this transition, but the great news is there are loads of foods we can include in our diet to help with promote hormonal balance and support symptom relief.

Zing Wellbeing Nutritionist, Mel Gearing has shared with us her top 10 foods to help menopause.

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Nutritionist shares 10 foods to help menopause 

Flaxseeds and linseeds are the same thing. They are rich in lignans, which may help balance estrogen levels. Flax is also high in omega-3 fatty acids for heart health and anti-inflammatory benefits.

You can use them as seeds or ground as flaxseed meal.


Packed with omega-3s to support heart and brain health. It also has anti-inflammatory properties may help with joint pain and mood swings. Super high in quality protein and rich in much-needed vitamin D.

It also contains B12, Vitamin A, selenium, potassium and magnesium.

Dark Leafy Greens like Spinach and Kale

High in calcium and magnesium to support bone health and help reduce stress as well as a great source of vitamin K, crucial for bone metabolism. Dark leafy green also support liver health and will help move through excess hormones and clear heat.


A good source of healthy fats, protein, and calcium to support bone density. High in magnesiumwhich helps regulate sleep and manage anxiety. An easy snack to eat raw or as almond butter spread on sourdough or added into smoothies. They will help keep you full, modulate hormonal health and stabilise blood sugar levels as they are slow burning fuel for your body.


Contains calcium and vitamin C for bone and skin health. Broccoli also contains sulforaphanewhich may support estrogen detoxification through the liver although the sprouts and seeds are better at this and can be used therapeutically.

Soy Products high in phytoestrogens like Tofu and Tempeh

Rich in phytoestrogens, plant compounds that mimic estrogen and may help relieve hot flashes.

Tofu and tempeh are also a great meat free source of complete protein and contain calcium for muscle and bone health.

Berries like Blueberries and Strawberries

High in antioxidants like vitamin C, which support skin health and immune function. Berries also provide fiber, which can help regulate digestion and blood sugar levels.

Chia Seeds

Thought to one of the most nutritious foods in the world. High in omega-3s and fiber, helping with inflammation and digestion. High in protein, calcium, magnesium and fibre. Chia seeds can also help support stable blood sugar levels and heart health.


Eggs are natures perfectly packed nutrient power ball. High in quality protein vitamins and minerals such as choline, B vitamins and selenium. They are also an excellent source of vitamin D so will support bone health during this transition. Provide high-quality protein to support muscle mass, which may lean towards decreasing during this time and require extra support.

Sage tea

Sage is traditionally used as a natural remedy to alleviate symptoms of menopause. It contains compounds which may assist in balancing hormones and is antioxidant and antimicrobial. Sage is used herbally to dampen heat and can be helpful if there are hot flushes. A hot drink may not appeal so having iced sage tea is a great option.

Every woman is different. Some experience minimal signs that they are transitioning and others find it a difficult time.

Including these foods in your diet may help alleviate some symptoms, support bone and heart health, optimise mood and provide essential nutrients during perimenopause and menopause.

You can also access our Menopause meal plans in our Zing Membership program full of all these delicious foods and recipes

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