Jac shares her very personal binge eating story PLUS read tips from our Psychotherapist, Shara

Jac's binge eating story

As my overall health got better, I noticed my binge eating “sessions” were not as frequent nor was I craving the things I used to.

Two years ago I was diagnosed with binge eating, it was nothing for me to grab a pack of Tim tams, a block of chocolate and a large bag of chips on a Friday night and settle in to watch movies. I would eat the lot.
I’d feel content and happy at the time but I’d always have regrets the next day, on top of feeling sick the salt content is too much for me as I have a condition which just causes more pain.
Since joining Zing Wellbeing I’ve learnt so much about myself and how to control those urges. Tonight my daughter and I are watching our favourite band do a paid live stream concert.
We’ve been excited for weeks and I had planned to order Chinese and lots of snacks but after some reflection about how I’d feel tomorrow after eating all the comfort foods I realised it wasn’t what I wanted OR NEEDED!
So I decided to make platters, we have a fruit and veg one, we have a chips and dip one (with olive oil sourdough and hommus for me) chopped up deli meats and for my chocolate fix choc raspberry chickpeas.
I have a 1.5 litre bottle of water cooling in the freezer and I’m going to enjoy every minute of this and still feel great tomorrow.
Jac shares her helpful tips for someone battling binge eating disorder
"I found as time went on I wasn’t thinking about food at night anymore. I can now sit and watch a movie without any food at all and I don’t get up for food in the night anymore. Stress doesn’t have me reacting for food but rather running to one of my self care options. "
What the expert says

Shara's tips
Binge eating is the most common eating disorder in Australia, it affects around 3.5% of the population, mostly women.
A binge eating cycle can leave you feeling shame and guilt, anxiety and distress.
- Seeking professional support is one of your best options.
- Keep a journal to help release your thoughts and worries.
- Practice eating mindfully - taste it, look at it, smell it, texture
- Exercise - go for a walk or do some squats
- Find a support group like Zing Wellbeing
- Be kind and gentle with yourself
- Distract yourself - do some cleaning, tidy up the kitchen, send an email or give someone a quick phone call.
Watch Shara's Binge Eating session below
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