Dietitian shares tips to beat reflux and bloating

Dietitian shares tips to beat reflux and bloating

We had the best session with our dietitian Marni this week in our members only group discussing all things gut health and answering lots of our members questions and concerns. 

Here is a little sneak peek below of just some of the 30min LIVE chat we enjoyed.

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Dietitian shares tips to beat reflux and bloating

Bloating can be uncomfortable, but understanding its causes and incorporating the right foods into your diet can help manage and reduce its symptoms.

By making mindful dietary choices and maintaining a balanced lifestyle, you can promote better digestive health and overall well-being.

Remember, if bloating persists or is accompanied by severe pain, it's essential to consult with a healthcare professional to rule out any underlying condition.

Causes of Bloating in Women

Bloating is a condition where the stomach feels swollen, usually due to gas or other digestive issues.

Hormonal Fluctuations: Many women experience bloating during their menstrual cycle due to hormonal changes, particularly the rise and fall of estrogen and progesterone. This can lead to water retention and digestive disturbances.

Dietary Habits: Consuming foods high in salt, sugar, and artificial additives can cause bloating. Additionally, eating too quickly or consuming carbonated beverages can introduce excess air into the digestive system.

Food Sensitivities and Intolerances: Common culprits include lactose (found in dairy products) and gluten (found in wheat, barley, and rye). These can cause bloating and other digestive symptoms in sensitive individuals.

Digestive Disorders: Conditions like Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), constipation, and small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO) can contribute to chronic bloating.

Stress and Anxiety: Stress can affect the digestive system by altering gut motility and increasing sensitivity to gas and bloating.

Lifestyle Factors: Lack of physical activity and poor sleeping patterns can exacerbate bloating.

Tips to ease bloating:

Marni gave us some great suggestions to help ease bloating including: 

  • eating smaller meals every 3-4 hours
  • increasing movement and exercise
  • Limit fatty foods
  • increase fibre
  • Peppermint oil capsules (Mintec) can help speed up gut motility and your digestion system
  • Peppermint and ginger tea are also a great option before a meal to help limit bloating. 
  • Consider a Low FODMAP diet which may be helpful to ease symptoms. Remove some food groups and see if it helps ease the discomfort and find your trigger.


Dealing with reflux

Reflux happens when stomach acid leaks from your stomach and moves up into your oesophagus (food pipe). This is also known as ‘indigestion’ 'heart burn' or ‘acid reflux’.

The best thing to help with Reflux and indigestion is to eat a high fibre diet to aid digestion.

  • Eating every 3-4 hrs and only having small frequent meals allow the stomach to empty more quickly
  • Smaller meals will prevent the expansion of the stomach which often causes the discomfort
  • Limit fatty foods
  • Lots of fibre
  • Avoid Spicy foods and limit caffeine to prevent reflux
  • Increase your water intake
  • Increase your movement and exercise

Please remember if pain persists or worsen it is best to consult with a medical practitioner as soon as you can. 


Read more: 

6 foods to help stop bloating

Five of the best foods for your gut health

10 Reasons Why Women Need to Prioritise Gut Health


Zing Wellbeing Meal Plans

All our meal plans and recipes have a heavy focus on gut health and digestive health and you can see our Zing Wellbeing program here.


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